One of the areas of the garden much in need of renovation is now nearly complete. The spring garden has been replanted and although it will take a couple of years for things to settle in, it is already looking more cohesive. Giles has laid a new path with a bird bath feature at the cross section, it has yet to be gravelled and the bath cemented in place but I can already see the pleasure the birds will have using it, and us watching them use it. He plans to grow a dwarf water lily in the receptacle which would look sweet, but I have a feeling that Shandy might take a liking to the odd bath too which might be troublesome!
One of the stars of the spring garden at the moment is this little plant on the left, Mertensia virginica it is fully hardy and once it has flowered completely disappears until the next spring. My photo doesn't do the colour justice as the blue is really intense and brightens up any woodland setting. Placed amongst hellebores, hostas and trilliums it will make quite a show.
"He who moves not forward, goes backward"
Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe
One of the stars of the spring garden at the moment is this little plant on the left, Mertensia virginica it is fully hardy and once it has flowered completely disappears until the next spring. My photo doesn't do the colour justice as the blue is really intense and brightens up any woodland setting. Placed amongst hellebores, hostas and trilliums it will make quite a show.
"He who moves not forward, goes backward"
Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe
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